Top 10 Essential Questions About Breast Augmentation Answered for You

Top 10 Essential Questions About Breast Augmentation Answered for You

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that many individuals consider to enhance their appearance. At, we understand that potential patients often have numerous questions about the process and outcomes. This article addresses some of the most frequently asked questions regarding breast augmentation to help you make an informed decision.

Why are breast implants placed below the muscle?

There is substantial scientific evidence indicating that breast implants placed below the muscle often appear more natural and feel better. Additionally, this placement does not obscure mammography results, and studies show that implants tend to remain softer for a longer duration when positioned below the muscle.

How can rippling in breast implants be prevented?

To minimize rippling, it is crucial to determine the appropriate type of implant and its placement before surgery. Here are some key strategies:

  • Opt for below-the-muscle placement.
  • Ensure there is adequate breast tissue present.
  • Avoid over-sizing or under-inflating saline or silicone implants.
  • Consider using silicone implants for patients with minimal breast tissue.

What happens if a silicone gel implant ruptures?

If there is evidence of a ruptured silicone implant, it should be replaced for several reasons:

  • Silicone can cause small granulomas that mimic breast tumors.
  • Long-term complications may arise if the implant is not removed.

How long should one wait before replacing a ruptured silicone implant?

While replacing ruptured implants is not an emergency, it is advisable to do so within a few months of diagnosis. Over time, ruptured silicone implants can leak and lead to scar tissue formation, necessitating the removal of both the implant and surrounding tissue.

See also  Do You Need to Replace Your Breast Implants? Key Signs and Expert Insights!

Is it advisable to use high-profile or moderate-profile implants for sagging breasts?

Using implants alone to correct sagging breasts is generally not recommended. If a patient has breast ptosis, a breast lift should be performed, possibly in conjunction with implants, to achieve the desired outcome. High-profile implants may have higher incidences of tissue thinning and rippling, which is a concern for many patients.

Does the size of breast implants correspond to breast size?

The number of cc’s in a breast implant does not directly correlate with the resulting cup size. Factors such as the patient’s initial breast size and overall body proportions play a significant role in determining the final appearance. It is crucial to avoid over-augmentation to maintain a natural look.

Why might one breast feel hard while the other feels soft?

This occurrence can happen due to capsular contracture, which is uncommon for saline implants placed below the muscle. If capsular contracture does occur, it generally develops in the first few months. Early breast massaging may help, but a procedure to release scar tissue might be necessary if symptoms persist.

What is the potential for loss of nipple sensation after breast augmentation?

It is not unusual to experience sensory changes after the procedure, especially with larger implants. Most patients see a return of sensation within a few months. The inframammary fold incision tends to have the lowest rate of sensation loss.

Can breast implants create cleavage?

Creating significant cleavage with breast implants is somewhat of a myth. The actual cleavage depends on factors such as breast shape and diameter prior to surgery. Simply increasing breast size does not guarantee improved cleavage, as larger implants can sometimes push breasts outward, reducing the anticipated cleavage effect.

See also  Essential Insights: 4 Key Facts About Breast Augmentation and Nipple Considerations

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